Tuesday 24 December 2013

be sure to taste your word before spit them out

 just finished my hifz exam. alhamdulillah 3ala kulli hal. :)

eh. this post isn't about my exam taw. refer to the title pon da tahu kan bukan pasal exam.
and for the second time, i wanna write about the angry me.. haha.. it's not about how angry i am or how strict i am. ok, it's not funny...

the topic is when i get angry with someone i'll just express my anger in many ways. my bad..huhu

don't know why these past few days, i get angry easily even over little things...n when i was asked, are you in tension??
before answering my friend's question, i thought a lot, yes i am in tense...sobsob...
there's so much things happened. got low marks in exam which never had before. hadn't finished my hafazan for my exam on last monday. final exam is just around the corner, havent study anything yet. n this happened in final year... oh my!!!!

for some reason i asked myself a lot, for what reason, you decided to stay in this jalan? you need to maintain ur study but at the same time you dont wanna leave ur DnT behind. isn't it is tiresome? holiday? xyah cakap la sbb mustahil utk ada istilah tu dalam kamus hidup sepatutnye. to list all the negative side staying in this jalan, this post isnt enough to list it out.

BUT TO COMPARE all of the negative side with the positive side which is we'll get 'jannah/syurga' if we're truly sincere, we can never get to compare both sides because the outcome is unbalance. and of course the positive side is better or heavier.

hmmm...for being tired without ikhlas would be nothing and in the end you'll get neither rewards nor jannah... sobsob...rally2 dont wan this to happen..

#positive charge
#hoping for a better tomorrow..

terasa nak share benda ni dgn semua. :)

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